办刊宗旨:服务企业界 关爱全社会  凝聚成功理念 成就非凡人生

媒以载道  敏思力行 传播正能量  做中国最大的财经励志人物期刊

第104期 P10封面人物

——记罗伯特•德拉罗卡医学博士ROBERT.C.DELLA ROCCA.MD








      I have had the opportunity to know and to work with Chinese ophthagolist academy as teacher and surgery in my specialty of reconstruction eye surgery. I have also worked closing in being inspired by Chinese citizens and friends who have strong interest in helping to care for the underserved in China. I respect and love the Chinese people. I am interested in offering my skills and ability as a leader and surgery in the specialty of reconstruction eye surgery. This includes to develop and ongoing and effective program to treat rural Chinese people. I am honored to help accomplish this goal.

      My specialty in surgery expertise including treatment and surgery of diseases of the eyelid bones (orbit) around the eyes and at times delicate tissues around and behind the eyes. Many children may be born with diseases involving this regional area (congenital) these eyes may be severe requiring treatment of tissue defects and deformity. Tumors in these tissues may be severe. Middle aged and elderly people may suffer from disease of the eyelids and may indicate deformity and tumors of may be associated with injury. In the child and in the older people vision may be   threaten by these diseases and with certain tumors live may endanger.

      My experience as a teacher and surgeon in 14 countries has convinced me that strong effort and dedication to treating disease and abnormalities can lead to success in relieving suffering for some people. I am honored to have trained over 65 physicians from many countries and 25 doctors in my specialty of ophthalmic plastic reconstructive and orbital surgery. The international fellows have from the Far East, subcontinent, and Africa middle, central and South American. I now look forward to working with the Chinese community ii working toward the goal of caring for many. While establishing  the best possible program to do this.

Sincerely yours and warmest regards

Robert C. Della Rocca, MD      

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